Read the brief to learn about Kangaroos

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1) How do kangaroos move around?

Kangaroos don’t walk, oh no, they jump everywhere! Kangaroos’ bodies are designed for jumping! They have short front legs, powerful back legs, huge back feet and strong tails. All of these help them to jump around and their tail balances them. Kangaroos come from a family of animals called macropods, which means ‘large foot’.

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2) What Are Baby Kangaroos Called?

Baby kangaroos are called joeys. Female kangaroos usually only have one joey at a time. Mother kangaroos have special pouches on the fronts of their bodies for carrying their joeys in. Straight after they’ve been born, the tiny joey climbs up its mother’s fur to reach her pouch. At this stage the joey really is tiny; just a few centimeters long. The joey then stays in its mother’s pouch for around 8 months until it is old enough to leap around on its own!

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3) Where do Kangaroos Live?

Kangaroos live in Australia. Different types of kangaroos live in different parts of Australia. Some kangaroos live in rainforests, some live in forests and some live in woodlands.