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1. What is a narwhal tusk?
The narwhal tusk—most commonly found on males—is actually an enlarged tooth. Some narwhals have up to two tusks, while others have none. The spiraled tusk juts from the head and can grow as long at 10 feet.
2. Where do narwhals live?
Unlike some whale species that migrate, narwhals spend their lives in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Most narwhals winter for up to five months under sea ice in the Baffin Bay-Davis Strait area.
3. What do narwhals eat?
Narwhals feed on Greenland halibut, Arctic and polar cod, squid and shrimp. They do their chomping at the ice floe edge and in the ice-free summer waters.
4. How deep do narwhals dive?
Narwhals can dive about a mile deep in the ocean. Cracks in the sea ice above allow them to pop up for air when they need it.
5. What color are narwhals?
Narwhals change color as they age. Newborns are a blue-gray, juveniles are blue-black and adults are a mottled gray. Old narwhals are nearly all white.